Appliance Technicians Certification Courses
Appliance Service Professional Techinican Certification
With AU Appliance repair home study courses, learn how to fix laundry and kitchen appliances, and much more. Many topics are covered, including Cooking Appliances, Clothes Washing Machines and Dryers, Refrigerators, and many others. Learn at your own pace, in your spare time, from your own home or shop, and earn your CERTIFICATE in as little as 3 months with these home study courses, Its all up to you.
Technicial colleges est.Tuition $14,675.00 and Supplies $1,200.00 Total $15,87500 for Major Appliance and Refrigeration Technology courses, plus your time 8 quarters. Laundry Major Appliance Technology course Tuition $7,350.00 and Supplies $1,000.00 Total $8,350.00. Time 8 quarters. Total of $24,225.00. Technicial colleges and schools use Appliance University tutorials.
For Only $999.95 SAVE $23,225.OO over cost of technicial colleges and tec. schools.
With all six Appliance Vocational Courses that are designed for the major appliance service professional committed to excellence. . . You'll learn it all at home, you can complete the course as fast as you want, no classroom needed! This Appliance University Vocational Educational course is like having your own personal Appliance Repair School! These courses is recommended to be taken as a complete course with all six units, and not completed as one or two courses only, or as a separate pick and choose course. After finishing a unit, student will take a exam for the completed unit, and then send to instructor to evaluate, making sure the student comprehends the unit. There upon, any recommendation will be sent back to the student. Than at the end of the six Units a final exsam, after passing the exam a certificate is awarded. (Note: each UNIT PRE-REQUISITE MUST BE TAKEN. Meaning unit #1 is taken with exam, and proceed to next unit) This correspondence training program is offered by Appliance University Training Associate Jim Johnson and Technical Training Associates; a private vocational school licensed in the state of Arizona offering adult education programs in partnership with the community college system since 1986. The content of this course was designed and developed by Jim Johnson, America's best known technical writer in the major appliance field.
Description of AU unique course contains six complete Units
An overview of electricity and electronic fundamentals for the appliance technician. This module guides you through electrical concepts in a simple, straightforward manner. Necessary theories are covered, but you’re not bogged down with a dull, academic approach. Electricity is explained in a way that helps you not only understand it, but apply it to your job. Includes the information you need to know about house wiring. Exam Content: 100 Multiple Choice Questions.
(PRE-REQUISITE:UNIT #1) A simple, to-the-point approach to eliminating the mysteries behind the refrigeration process. Covers not only the fundamental concepts you need to know about refrigeration theory, but also the refrigeration cycle and how it works in refrigerators, freezers and room air conditioners. Exam Content: 100 Multiple Choice Questions.
(PRE-REQUISITES: UNITS #1 AND #2) Once you’ve completed your fundamentals modules, this segment of the course gives you the chance to apply what you’ve learned to specific equipment. Covers schematic and ladder diagrams, using meters to troubleshoot circuits, motors and motor start devices, and how solid state devices are used in refrigerators, freezers and room air conditioners. Exam Content: 150 Multiple Choice Questions.
(PRE-REQUISITES: UNITS #1, #2 AND #3) In this module, the focus is on gas and electric ranges and microwave ovens. With your understanding of electrical fundamentals, you’ll be able to understatnd the circuitry and components used in cooking appliances. Includes information on the properties and application of LP and natural gas. Exam Content: 150 Multiple Choice Questions.
(PRE-REQUISITES: UNITS #1, #2, #3, AND #4) This course covers gas and electric dryers, the electrical and water systems of automatic washers, and the need-to-know information on dishwashers, compactors and disposers. Exam Content: 150 Multiple Choice Questions.
Technicians successfully completing the Appliance University Technician Certificate Program must also accomplish an overall final exam consisting of 200 multiple choice questions and 25 selected exercises in analyzing schematic diagrams, identifying refrigeration systems and cycles, and mechanical and water systems in appliances.
Unit Six:
New add course(60 pages) with four segments to help to define & develop technicians into service professionals.
What will the Vocation Courses provide?
Not everything every technician needs to know is in the courses. Those of us with experience in the appliance business know that would be impossible to create and provide. These course start your education, what the courses does provide is a solid foundation that will give you an opportunity to build your skills as an appliance service professional and earn a certificate of completion from Technical Training Associates, a quality training organization that’s been offering adult education programs in partnership with the community college system since 1985.
Jim Say, "The course is designed and delivered to you in a way that helps you succeed. That doesn’t mean that the program is easy and you can “slide” through. I wouldn’t be doing you any favors if I designed a program everybody could accomplish without effort. I’m very stubborn about that. When you hang your certificate of completion on the wall, you want to know that the institution granting it has high standards and wants to maintain credibility so your certificate is worth something. We’ll test your mettle, to be sure, but we’ll also be with you every step of the way until you complete all six program modules. Another thing I’m stubborn about is requiring all our program participants, no matter how long they’ve been in the business, to complete all modules in the same sequence as someone new to the appliance industry. We only grant certificates to technicians who successfully complete our entire program."
Recommendation with courses
"Major Appliance Installing, Troubleshooting, Servicing" 
Major Appliance Servicing Professional Guide Lines for Technicians 
Appliance Academy Courses By Brand 
Appliance University student self training courses and DVD videos, teaches how to properly diagnose, along with major appliance repair tutorials. These DVD videos are presented by the major appliance industry's best known technical writer and instructor, Jim Johnson, and others, "AND ARE EASY TO FOLLOW". These self study videos are comprehensive DO IT YOURSELF education learning programs which give specific service procedures for major appliances, taking you step by step through the design, operation, and specific repair procedures. Learn how to diagnose a motor that will not run, and learn how to disassemble components. These how-to videos cover safety, theory, operation, and troubleshooting.